
Convention Adventures – Part Three

Home again, home again, jiggity jig.

Can you believe it’s been over two weeks since I returned home from the Inspire.Create.Share Stampin’ Up Convention?  It’s always nice to be back home with my husband and three children after being away for a week of adventure. Normal, regular, everyday life definitely has its comforts! I have to say, though, I’m more than ready for school to start. Our teachers have been on strike, though, so we might have an extended summer break. You may think that’s a good thing, and it can be, but our kids need more structure. My sanity demands that our summer isn’t extended too long!

The camera on my phone didn’t take great pictures of the events and classes on stage. The sessions were great and we learned a lot. Feeling motivated to push myself just a bit more and see if I have any chance at achieving that Grand Vacation on that Mediterranean Cruise! If I don’t reach that, I’m bound to get somewhere worth while with a little hard work!

Here are a few more photos from my week in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Convention braids and photo bombing

Braids and Photobombs

Convention free stuff!

All-attendee Prize Patrol!!

Convention swapping

Swapping cards

Convention unflattering pose

Unflattering poses are the thing to do

Convention unflattering pose again - Copy

What else to do when your waiting, but more unflattering poses

Convention unflattering pose again again

We look frightened, but we’re just entertaining ourselves while we wait for general session to start.

Convention unflattering pose yet again

Oh, the endless source of entertainment!

Convention good at these unflattering poses

Okay, I know, real mature (hehe). We’re getting good at this.

Convention guilty chocolate hoarder

Someone may or may not have dumped a stash of chocolates into her purse from the Recognition room (no names)

Convention I found him!!

I found him!!!

Convention awards night

Awards night! No awards for us, but PARTY ON!!

Convention prize patrol

Prize Patrol means free stuff!!

Convention no prize patrol

But no free stuff for this sad face 🙁

Convention no prize patrol either

…. or this sad face 🙁

Convention not a single prize patrol

No prize patrol for these sad sad faces either 🙁

Convention Yay for all attendee prize patrol

But wait!!! There’s another all-attendee give away!! Yay!!!

Convention friends

The best part about Stampin’ Up! Convention is hanging out with friends. AWW. Love these gals!

Random out-of-context quotes from Convention:

“the thingy agrees with me. did you hear how it got all fired up?”

“it’s not my fart”

“she’s the nicest person and she’s not even Canadian”  -said by our American friend

“I can see you being a German pornstar”

“I pretend to be a rich person in my private pool”

“This baby’s gonna be half Canadian!”

“Don’t get the meat sweats”

“I have your peacock in Seattle”

“I think your bum just asked me a question”

“Crotch sniff!!”





Convention Adventures Part Two

We’ve been having a great time in Salt Lake City for Stampin’ Up Convention! Yesterday we had some time to do some shopping and get a pedicure before our check in at the Stampin’ Up Paper Pumpkin Party began. Then we were up late working on a room-mate’s swaps to help her get them done for the next day (she only had 120 swap cards to make this year!)

Convention officially started this morning. Here are some photos of our adventures today.

Convention check in

Picking up our Convention bags and stamp sets

Waiting for General Session 3Waiting for Opening Session

Waiting for General Session to start

Waiting for General Session to start

We thought it was very funny to take a picture at the sign that says don't take a picture, lol!

We thought it was very funny to take a picture at the sign that says don’t take a picture, lol!

Waiting in line to meet Shelli Gardner

Waiting in line to meet Shelli Gardner



What our cover photo would look like if we were rock stars

What our cover photo would look like if we were rock stars

Home Office Tour - where they box 'em and then they ship 'em.

Home Office Tour – where they box ’em and then they ship ’em.

Home Office Tour - The Rock

Home Office Tour – The Rock

Brown Chicken Brown Cow by Michelle Suit

Punch Art card by Michelle Suit

Dinner at the Blue Iguana

Dinner at the Blue Iguana

Trends and Techniques Class

Trends and Techniques Class

Random out-of-context quotes at Convention:

“I heart you. I don’t remember my life without you”

“that’s how big my husband’s is”

“I’ve asked the Lord to give me a black singing voice when I get to heaven”

“apparently I’m never gonna touch it”

“it’s expelling crap out of it”

“When people get together to stamp, wonderful things happen” – Shelli Gardner


Convention Adventures – Part One

I’m in Salt Lake City!! Stampin’ Up! convention starts in a couple days, but we’re already having so much fun! I love traveling with the girls!

We drove to Seattle yesterday and stayed overnight. Then we flew to Salt Lake City today and here we are! It’s so fun to see friends that we made last year, hang out with them and catch up. The best part is the hugs and the laughs!

Here are random photos to show you some of the fun we’re having.

And Convention hasn’t even started yet!!

fallen asleep

sleeping on the drive (as is traditional after a late night finishing swap cards)

escaping the log-sawing

Escaping the snores by sleeping in the only room with a closing door

mirror ceiling

Mirrored ceiling

Seattle Airport

Seattle Airport

the look

giving “the look”

Yay! On our way!

Yay! On our way!

Chillin' on the plane

Chillin’ on the plane

Squatters for dinner

Squatters for dinner

toothpick wink

Toothpick winkin’

Random out-of-context quotes of the day:

“I didn’t know it was going to spring out at me so forcefully”

“I think we should change the letter “p” to “ped” so that it rhymes better with “zed” in the alphabet song”

“two vowels go walking, the first one does the talking and says it’s own name”

“I’d climb him like a tree!”

“You know I’m all types of screwed up”

“bt-dubs” (= by the way)